Devlog #2

Things added so far :

  • gameController to store item collected value
  • Main menu
  • Pause menu
  • Added two type of enemy
    • enemy patrol
    • enemy patrol and divebombing when detecting player
  • Added Health to player
  • Added knockback effect when player collide with enemy
  • Added attack sequence
  • Added response when enemy are attacked by player
  • Added health bar UI (stylized in heart rate form)

Note :

  • There are some bug to enemy patrol when collide with player and knockback sometimes being inconsistence, there might be some rewrite to enemy patrol and knockback effect in next update.
  • The main menu, pause menu and health bar UI need to be merged into main branch in future update
  • There are some asset that need to be replaced with real asset by artist

Things to be added :

  • Enemy drop item at % chance
  • Creating turn base fight sequence for final boss
  • Adding cutscene

Get Fear Me Not

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